Cue Drifter

Cue Drifter is a 3D platformer prototype about playing pool to overcome obstacles. Plays can rotate a cue stick around their ball and hit it at different angles to direct it towards the goal.

This prototype was developed by Team Drifters

Will Bennington
Jessica Peters
Austin Schillage
Nick Walsh
Kadin White

Gameplay Video

My Process

Cue Drifter was originally envisioned to have a power meter that controlled how hard you hit the ball, which I envisioned would charge up by holding the shoot button and be represented beneath the cue. However, through playtesting the team realized that players would never have time to sit and charge, and were more worried about aiming the cue on the go. Eventually, I suggested we make the backspin weaker than the normal hitting, and we scrapped implementing the power meter altogether.

I designed the controls UI to be as clear to the player as possible. I used simple art that communicated how the ball would move when the mode is toggled on, set the indicators on the same side as their activation triggers on a controller, and also used them to communicate when the player can and can’t hit the ball.

This game was developed in the span of a month using Unity, Visual Studio 2019, and Adobe Illustrator. Though never fully finished, and originally intended for just controller support, a version with keyboard support is available to play on Windows here.


Track Drifter